Lot of time we come cross search engine (Google) results, wonder how search engine pull this information, here our idea is how to make our domain to be recognized by search engine, what we have to follow, its not like every time your website will come in search engine result because search engine will change there algorithm regularly, idea is to keep website clean,follow minimum standards of search engine. i have read few articles and tried few standards here i'm sharing those information.
Introduction :
Today we're going back to basics! And nothing is more basically important to a web site than properly written title tags. You know the ones that used to appear in the little blue bars in your browsers. Most modern browsers try to hide these, though that doesn't stop them being helpful!
The modern website is becoming more about what have you done lately (content marketing, social content, and social signals)
More to the point, the key consideration is who is doing it rather than from where are they doing it.
With this massive movement to more of a Web universe where you are based on what you write and how people engage and share your content, what will become of the modern link as we know it? The incredible growth and buzz around authorship and using this tag, as means to determine true page value is definitely taking shape.
So what is a title tag? Why is it important to SEO, and how that works?
Meta Tags :
These tags are meta elements of HTML or XHTML used to provide the information about the web page to search engines or web users.
Such element tags will be placed in HEAD section of html page.
These elements are
1. Title Tag
2. Description
3. Keywords
What is Title Tag?
Title tags are part of the meta tags that appear inside the < head> tag of HTML .
Title tags are also part of what makes people decide whether to visit your site when it shows up in the search results. The title tag should contain important keywords to help the search engine determine what the page is about.
Html Code sample:

Google search result :

A title tag is THE MOST IMPORTANT SINGLE TAG in your page. It tells the search engines what your page is about. It is still vitally important to your SEO strategy.
How to Optimize the Title Tag ?
When you're writing your title tag what do you need to know? Here's a quick checklist with some tips on how to write optimized title tags
• Length: Title tags should be a maximum of 70 characters long, including spaces.
• Keyword Placement: Your most important words (keywords) need to be first in your title tag, with your least important words being last in the title tag (most to least). However, if you're working in a language that reads right-to-left, then it is reversed, and it would be least important to most important.
• Keyword Separation: Use pipes | to separate important (keyword) phrases (no commas, underscores, dashes or any other punctuation unless the keyword is written that way).
• Wording: Keep your important phrases short and simple. Leave out words that would make it read like a sentence. (e.g., and, if, but, then, etc.)
• Company Name: If your company name is not part of the important (keyword) phrases, put it at the end of the title tag; if it is part of your important words, put it as the first words in the title tag. Some SEOs will tell you to leave it out. You can leave it in for branding purposes – so people will see the brand and click. This isn't valid for all sites.
• DON'T DUPLICATE Title Tags: They must be written differently for every page. Don't mass replicate your title tags.
• Make It Relevant: Title tags must be written to be descriptive of the content on the page
e.g., the About Page would be:
About | Important Keywords | Company Name
Important Keywords | About Us | Company Name
Google & Title Tags
Sometimes Google doesn't like your title tag. In fact, sometimes Google thinks it can pick a better one, so it will rewrite the tag for you. There are several places it might get this information, most of them you won't prefer to one you crafted yourself.While there isn't any assurance your title tag won't be replaced, make sure you write a title tag that is page related, content descriptive, short and sweet, and not keyword stuffed. This is your one defense.
Keyword Stuffed Title Tags
You've probably come across badly written title tags that try to rank for everything or repeat a word over and over. Keyword stuffing is the worst offense when it comes to title tags.Say your site is trying to rank for Veg Pizza and non-veg Pizza. Many times you will see the main keyword repeated multiple times across the title tag. It might appear like this:
Veg Pizza, non-veg Pizza, All Types of Pizzas | Pizzas Pizzas and More | Pizzas.com
This is bad title tag writing. You don't need to repeatedly write the keyword. Google especially can pick up the keywords like your eyes can read them, so you would best to rewrite this as
Veg & non-veg Pizzas | AllPizza | PizzaS.com
We also took out the word "and" and replaced it with an ampersand (&) so that you don't accidentally relate the two items and make Google think you want people who are looking for Veg AND Non-veg Pizzas.
And there you go, a basic lesson in title tag writing. This can be the most challenging and fun part of any SEO's work!
Don't use hyphens, underscores, commas or any other type of character – just pipes
Implementing Google Authorship:
Implementing Google Authorship will enable your face and name to appear next to your website in the search results. This not only allows users to associate a face with your organization, but also promotes your personal brand by allowing you to appear as an authority within your niche. This is especially powerful for medical professionals, legal professionals, and consultants, where your personal brand is strongly tied to your organization's brand.In addition to helping establish trust and credibility with your target audience, Google Authorship may influence rankings now and in the future, What we do know is that Google Authorship can have a positive impact on click-through rates (CTR), because Authorship increases a site's visibility in the search results. Just make sure to use a professional photo that will be well received by your target audience.
Use Google+ to Promote Your Content:
Google+ profiles and posts are included in Google's index, which provides potential customers with an additional avenue to find your content. You're already halfway there because you had to create a Google+ profile in order to implement Google Authorship. However, simply setting up a profile is not enough. You must post relevant content regularly as well as build an audience and engage them.While we know that +1's don't directly impact rankings, we do know that Google+ does influence search results for signed in Google+ users. So, by building your Google+ network, and engaging your audience with relevant content that encourages +1's, you can actually influence their search results.
In addition to a Google+ profile, you can also create a Google+ Business Page, which allows you to share content and engage with your target audience as your brand, rather than as yourself. Whether creating a Google+ Profile or Business Page, or both makes sense for you depends on your business, and whether you have the resources available to successfully manage both.
Monitor Your Content’s Performance
When you login to Google Webmaster Tools with the account associated with your Google+ profile, you will find search stats for all of the pages for which you are the verified authorIt’ll show you which pages are shown in the search results, how many times, how many clicks they received, which CTR the result has and the average position.
Design for Multiple Screens :
Create a user-friendly site design that works well and fast across all devices – especially mobile and tablet
Tag Your Content :
Standard tags such a meta description, title, and header tags are still important for user engagement and core SEO optimization. New and necessary tags, OG for Facebook, Twitter Cards.All above is very basic initial step for SEO,more advanced indepth read the google pdf on seo
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